Monday, 14 December 2009

Magazine Contents Page ...

My final design for the magazine contents page followed the same colour scheme as my front page. I also used the same font and chose to list the features displayed on the cover.

I used a black background behind the heading to make it appear striking and to contrast with the white background. I had placed a grey colour overlay on the background which fitted around the images I had already placed on the page which filled up the white space meaning it appeared more professional. I also used the same masthead as the front cover, but with a different coloured font in order to enhance the magazine's unity.

I used a red, italic font in block capitals for the artist names to make them striking and to draw attention, with a smaller, black font underneath giving a brief description of the article. I felt that this followed the conventions I had found within my study of music magazines.

I added a promotion at the bottom of the page as this is a technique used in many magazines, placing it in a red box to make it more eye-catching. I also added a 'Quote of the week' feature which made the magazine seem well-established.

I chose to switch the main image to the other article from my front cover as I thought this is a style used in many music magazines to show the range of articles in the magazine. I also used different images to the front cover as I found this to be a well used concept too. I again edited the older article image to black and white with a high contrast to highlight the fact it was from another era, but edited the other image to make it brighter, which provided a better contrast between the two.

I had found that most other music magazines include the issue number of the magazine and the magazine's website, so I included both of these within my layout. I also put the page numbers associated with the images next to them, to inform the reader of the articles' content.

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